This Privacy Notice outlines how I, Emma-Jane Cunningham, of Beautiful Beginning (BB), dedicated Data Control Officer, deals with your personal information once shared with myself...
When you contact myself via the website, email, fb messenger or telephone to book a class/classes, I will email you a cover letter, invoice, registration form and registration agreement to collate the following information and to reserve your place on your specified session/s (subject to availability):
Contact Details: Name, Address, Email and Telephone.
Estimated birth day.
Number of children to date (for BB Meet ups this will include first names, ages and dietary requirements).
Health and wellbeing (including any allergies/dietary requirements).
Birth partner contact person and contact details, including allergies/dietary requirements.
For BB marketing and background purposes: What would you like to gain, are you attending other antenatal sessions, how did you hear of BB, what are you most looking forward to, why have you chosen to attend and do you have any concerns or is there anything you feel I should be made aware of.
Communication with myself can be via website, email, fb messenger or telephone.
Post sessions you maybe contacted with follow up emails with additional information (as applicable).
Post birth I will email you a birth questionnaire and request permission to share your testimonial, birth story and photos. Written permission must be received from yourself prior to social media sharing. Please be assured that should you wish for your testimonial, birth story or photos not to be shared this will be adhered to by myself.
Why am I collecting the above information?
To enable communication between myself and yourself (the client) in relation to your BB booking.
To support the heath and wellbeing of yourself (the client) during sessions.
To improve my services in the interests of yourself (the client).
To make BB sessions the most informative and supportive they can be for your individual needs (the client).
To promote positive birth stories for women to feel calm, in control and confident for your (the client) pregnancy, labour, birth and post birth.
How will your personal data be used?
Your data will be used for me to continue communication with yourself for ongoing support as required and so that I can keep you informed of any updates in relation to your sessions, to share further information and forward further details regarding additional sessions should this be requested by yourself (the client). Please note, I do not send out mass email newsletters and I do not plan to in the future, therefore there is no opt in for this marketing purpose.
For each session attended you will be asked to complete a new booking forms (registration form and agreement) to ensure that your details are always the most up to date. Should any of your details change throughout the time of myself supporting you, please inform myself of any changes in writting via: info@beautifulbeginning.co.uk
Why is your personal data stored?
I keep data for business record keeping, accounts, taxation and litigation, as required.
How is your personal data stored?
All personal data is stored securely via lockable sources and/or password protected electronic devices.
Will your personal data be shared with third parties?
Please be assured that BB does not share any of your personal details with any third parties unless permission is provided from yourself. Ie. For service providers to contact you directly (if you have requested for this to take place), if you have asked myself to make enquiries on your behalf with other professionals regarding outstanding questions you have or maybe for personal support towards (or received by) other BB mums who are going through similar experiences to yourself (please be assured your permission will always be granted prior to BB doing this).
As always, YOU are always in control of your personal data for third party sharing.
How do you contact the Data Control Officer, Founder, Proprietor and Coach of Beautiful Beginning?
Should you like to enquire what information I hold about yourself, wish for me to delete your personal data or make a complaint, please contact myself directly (designated Data Control Officer) to discuss your requirements further:
Emma-Jane Cunningham of Beautiful Beginning at info@beautifulbeginning.co.uk
Alternatively, you can write to: Beautiful Beginning, The Old Dairy Farm, Main Street, Upper Stowe, Northamptonshire, NN7 4SH.
Please Note, at times I may update this Privacy Policy, therefore please monitor as you feel necessary.
(2nd Revision 16/06/2021)
2022 © Beautiful Beginning. All rights reserved.
Website created by Emma-Jane Cunningham of Beautiful Beginning (Antenatal Hypnobirthing)