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Your Birth Space...

The place where you decide to have your little one is a very personal choice. I understand sometimes your options are limited, but, no matter what your circumstances you can make your birthing space very personal to you.

Whether you decide to have a home, MLU or hospital birth, a natural, assisted or a c-section, it truly does not matter, the only thing you need to consider is where and how you will feel most comfortable and safest for the arrival of your baby.

I never dreamed I would have a home birth (let alone 3!), but, after the initial tour of our local NHS Hospital I new it wasn’t for me and after a fair few discussions with my hubby he agreed that he would support me no matter what, as he understood that the more comfortable I was with the decision the better the birth experience would be. I wanted to be in a familiar place, I wanted a guaranteed water birth, I wanted to have the security of midwifes stay with me at all times and I wanted to be surrounded by my creature comforts both before and after the birth. As you can see from this, it was all about ME!

On the other hand I was not blinkered by my decision, I had a hospital bag on standby and if there was any medical concerns I would of happily been transferred to hospital.

But, for others, this couldn’t be further from what they truly wanted for their special day, many have the desire to have medical care on standby, alongside the option of pain relief if need be and for some they feel the reassurance of knowing that the "what ifs" are covered no matter what, is top priority for their safety zone and one which they need to follow.

At times you may feel a little unsure of where you want your birth space to be and that is OK too. If you change your mind during your pregnancy or even on the day then follow your instincts, only you know what you truly want and of course us girls are very good at changing our minds numerous times!

It’s amazing how different we all are and it’s all down to what we personally perceive as what’s safe and what’s dangerous, what’s right and what’s wrong. But, in reality, none of the choices are right or wrong, it is truly a personal preference and no one should be belittled on their choice.

Many people perceive Hypnobirthing as a very natural choice, believing that we push for completely natural births, this could not be further from the truth. The skills learnt are life long and are there for you to utilise, from c-sections through to natural birth, it really can make the difference, just one baby step at a time.

I am here for you, I love to support mummies-to-be and their little ones to have the most positive birth story no matter how, where or what they desire.

Remember, when you close your eyes and daydream, you can be absolutely anywhere, the choices of birth spaces are in fact endless...

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